its me

About Me


My name is Scarlet, this website belongs to me. I'm from the Northeast of the United States, and was born in 2006. As a kid I was scared of Cousin It and mushrooms, and now I write about houses decomposing. I make 2d traditional and digital art, and will occassionally make something 3d if I am in the mood. The mediums I work with most often are ink, acrylic paint, and digital. I enjoy making narrative pieces about gross things, self portraits, and illustrations about House of Leaves-like environments. At the moment I am inspired by artists like Emily Carroll and Val Wise, who both make comics about viscera and women who are having an incredibly bad day. Eventually I would like to publish a long-form comic, most likely about a woman who is having a very bad day, and/or start selling zines or prints.

That thing over to the left is me.

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